Monday, March 25, 2019

What I want from Romantic Media (One on One)

For as long as a can remember, scrolling thru genres of  entertainment was a rather interesting experience. The reason i say this, is because i would always go to either action, animation, or fantasy first. Romance was either rarely or never a selected genre of mines. Simply because of my somewhat cyclical view of romantic media. Man saves the girl. They go on an adventure. They fall in love in the end. Over and out. This is seen in a lot of Disney princess movies. The one that lands itself  within my cyclical view very clearly is the Disney movie Tangled.

This movie really screams every cyclical thought i have about the romance genre. It's everything i described in a nut shell. Yet their is a moment in the story that really made me marvel at it. It's the boat scene.

The reason i like this scene so much is because, they tone down the comedy. Not only that! They focus more on the two characters that are falling for each other. With very little to distract you from it. Another example of this is the carpet ride from Aladdin.

In each case they do what i want a romance movie to do. Focus on the passion, emotion, and the affectionate involvement of the characters falling in love. It was only then I realized why so my romance movies miss the mark for me. They focus on everything else. The romance always seems to be the side plot. At worst it's done thru a series of awkward situations. One of the characters save the other from a falling object. One of them lands on top of the other one. Then the one on top lifts up just to stare at the one on the bottom. This to me isn't the way you sell romance.

Making the two characters falling in love the focus of the story is much more personal.Tell me the story of their dating, their courtship, their marriage, their hardships, their finances, their physical illness, various forms of discrimination, and psychological restraints. Make me believe their search for strong and pure love is coming true. To me, romance is suppose to be a personal story. Where everything you in do within said story either directly or indirectly effects the relationship of the two lovers.

You make them the focus. Everything else is the story elements or romantic arcs that keep them apart or drive them to be closer together. The One on One Connection is very important.

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